
Stationery Academy 2011:: Recap

As soon as I heard about the Stationery Academy, I wanted to go.
I had been looking for something just like this- something that would talk specifically about creating stationery and the business behind it.
I had already made my plan for the year, however, and by the time the Stationery Academy was announced, I was committed elsewhere.
But I couldn't shake the feeling that I was supposed to be there.

And I was. Fast forward a couple of weeks and things fell into place, and my flight was booked for Pensacola, Florida. The beach. Niiiiiiice.

It was crazy timing. We just signed the paperwork on our new house,  and I left two days later. I felt like I was leaving in the middle of paperwork, moving, and closing on a house--one built in 1890 that needed work before we moved! The weekend also fell over my Eleventh Wedding Anniversary! Yikes. Sorry, honey.
It took a conscious decision to leave "real life" behind and put myself in a place ready to learn and be stretched. And it was difficult but I was ready!

We were in classes for 2 full days and discussed the business of Stationery.
 It was so much to take in, in the best way, and I am still processing all I learned. We had amazing teachers (Whitney English Kalb, Emily Ley, Lara Casey) that offered true expertise and wisdom.

My favorite part of the weekend was being in the same room with amazing designers that love paper as much as I do. Hearing the common struggles and excitement was so encouraging.
I loved being surrounded by women that get as just excited about a cool font or beautiful color palette!

Whew.What a weekend! I think it will take months to unpack all that I have learned and heard from the weekend.

I didn't take a lot of photos...but I did take a couple...

The view from my room. I loved looking out and seeing the ocean!

One of my favorite moments was when Emily Ley and I showed up to dinner wearing the EXACT same dress!! Laughs.

The new friends I made at the Stationery Academy

Beautiful calligraphy I wanted to remember.
The invitations are by Brightly Designed in California, one of my sweet new friends.

Its so great to be Now I am home in Texas, the home of the record breaking triple digit heat! Oh well. The beach was beautiful and refreshing while I was there.

Thanks for a great weekend, gals.


  1. Courtney you have so much greatness ahead of you. I cannot wait to see where you take those amazing designs in the coming months and years. I will always be proud to say that I was in the room when your brand made itself happen....

  2. Hi Courtney! It's so neat to hear your story about how you ended up at the Stationery Academy. Mine was quite similar - I just new I had to go - and we moved the week before so I am still surrounded by piles of boxes. It was all worth it though. Thank you for sharing my work on the blog too :) It was great meeting you!
