Does your child want to party like a rock star? Mine does, and I don’t think he even knows what that means. Which is good, I guess! :)
Here are great ideas for the Rock Star guy or girl to pull off a birthday party that a rockstar like Steven Tyler would appreciate!
This rock star party was actually planned as a Valentine party, but no matter what the occasion, it has some adorable ideas. This party is another example of one I had a hard time narrowing down the photos to feature because it had so many cute details. Including matching party theme tattoos! Check them out here. They include all the sources for the items so it’s a great resource for a Rockstar party.
What a cute idea- a matching sign made for the Backstage Entrance. You could take that idea and run with it- creative VIP backstage passes and press stickers, etc
The “Love Rocks’ makes a huge statement and could just as well say “Birthday boy or girl Rocks” or “Birthdays Rock” or “You rock”
These drinks are so stinking fun I am not sure what to do. I love the heart twisty straw, but love that they put a DONUT on top of the soda bottle. That is all kinds of fun waiting to be had. And they are such cute donuts, if I do say so myself. I also really like the bright colors- the pink and orange is a nice combo. (Since it is a Valentine party, did you notice the drinks are Orange Crush? Cuteness.) At your party, you could serve “Rockstar” energy drinks, but only if you were very brave, had a death wish, or hated the parents of your kid’s friends and wanted to punish them.
On the other hand, you could make faux Rockstar cans and put them over juice and probably have more parent friends left and still have a cute idea.
The pink, red and heart theme have a great rockstar look and the theme is consistently carried out throughout the party.
I like the tablecloth here- it is music note fabric and a really cute addition to the bright table.
These favors are little boxes with a sticker with the same logo and guitar. Very cute.
Love these cookies. So super cool.
The rock stars in action. This looks so fun, so you know it was a blast in person. It would be fun to play Rockband or some other music game. Just not musical chairs. That game makes me so nervous!
And what is a Rock Star birthday party without ROCK candy!?!
I hope this gets your wheels turning!
Here are some ROCKSTAR birthday party invitations to match the occasion!
Finally, LOOK at this microphone cupcake. This has got to be one of the most original ideas I have ever seen. Love it.
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