I had no idea all this stuff existed until I did a quick search. I love that people get so excited and involved for the Royal Wedding. Here are some of my favorite items I found relating to the Anticipated Nuptials of William and Kate...
This is an adorable cake topper and really could be anyone, not just the royal couple. Very cute.
I love this tea towel!
And..Dominos with the famous couple!?
Just in case you are a coffee drinker..
These are perfect for the Royal Wedding Watching Party I just know you are having..
Or if you want to take your own Royal Photos..
And with all this hoopla, let's not forget the King and Queen...
Finally, just in case you are not on board with William...
This makes me laugh.
All these things remind me of my own wedding. People were in such a tizzy I was getting married that they made coffee cozies for us, put our photo on everything, and sold things with our names on it. Or..not.
Can you imagine?
Speaking of can you imagine...
Happy Wedding!
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