
Scared of Santa

I was so excited to be a mom last Christmas, because it was the first Christmas when my son was not a newborn infant. He was born only a couple of weeks before Christmas, so when last year, he was one, he was just the perfect age to sit on Santa's lap.

Or so I thought.

This was our Santa picture from last year.

And I know I am not alone. Kids crying hysterically on Santa's lap are one of the most tragic, yet funniest pictures! Almost every mom I know has one, unless their kids fell at some magical stage and missed that stage. So, I was intrigued to read about this new book.

Scared of Santa.

Apparently, the Chicago Tribune held a contest and asked everyone to send in their worst Santa pictures. Some were so funny, they published it.

Before I saw the book, I thought that I could probably compile just as good of a book just by asking some friends. But, when saw the classic creepy Santa and kid's tortured faces, it made me laugh out loud.

You can view some of the pictures here in a condensed format. Pages 30 and 100 have especially creepy Santas, and the kids on page 134 look like they are in a concentration camp rather than at the mall on Santa's lap. Even I would be scared of the hairball on page 220.

So, moms- be at ease. You are not alone. At least your tortured child didn't make it into a book!

Does anyone else have a bad Santa picture?


Lori said...

We had breakfast with Santa on Saturday. I knew my daughter wouldn't sit on Santa's lap so I decided to hold her for our photo. That was still too close for her liking. Here's my link to the photo. Merry Christmas!

{CuTe CaRd QuEeN} said...

So funny! Yeah, its rough! And so embarrassing!!